Pulling Up Into Adult offers a physical shift that gives you a different perspective of the outside, different feelings on the inside, as well as a different appearance to others.
Pulling Up Into Adult can be useful for managing overreactions, whether of the rageful/frustrated end of the spectrum or the anxious/inadequate end. Pulling Up Into Adult involves moving from a tight, or weak and crumpled posture into the straight stance of a competent and reasonable adult.
Follow these steps as you move from a childlike pose into the posture of a mature adult:
– Allow your shoulders to relax
– Smooth your brow
– Open your chest and take a deep breath
– If you meditate, say your mantra so your muscles relax
– Talk to yourself in a positive, supportive and encouraging voice – aloud if possible
Now you will be breathing better as you relax and your chest expands. You will have a more straightforward view of the situation as you stand upright and move into the adult part of you that has lived all these years and learned. As you pull up and look around you will be more aware of being in the present moment rather than in your head with its fears, worries, insecurities or rage.
Pulling Up Into Adult need only happen long enough for you to get a glimpse – a rational glimpse – of a larger perspective. Even if you can only maintain it briefly – even only 30 seconds – you have allowed the strength, wisdom and experience of your adult self to prevail.