These are some of the challenges and patterns from therapy sessions that I find myself thinking about: wondering what is helpful and wanting to know what others do.
My Broken Ankle/Psychic Trauma
My bro ken ankle (2010) has healed according to X-rays. But I still can’t walk like I used to. It seems to me (not surprisingly) that this physical ordeal has a lot in common with psychic hurt, trauma, and loss.
It creates a significant change in your life, your outlook and you day to day situation.
– You’re never quite the same
– You eventually compensate and adjust
– The compensation sometimes causes problems later
– It heals slowly – “glacially” was the adverb I chose
– It’s vulnerable to re-injury
– It aches at times
– It takes practice to stretch and to trust the parts that were injured – and yourself
– You do practice – so you can go on