Thinking Errors

Your emotional and behavioral reactions are greatly influenced by your beliefs and ways of thinking. Below is a list of pathogenic beliefs and cognitive styles. Your ability to prevent relapse …

Training the Puppy

We will be collaborating for a relatively brief period of time to achieve the ambitious goal of changing the course of your life. It is quite a challenge, and requires …

Incentives and Excessive Appetites

The PIG (the Problem of Immediate Gratification) is a defining feature of incentive use disorders.  Individuals suffering the negative consequences of their excessive appetites want immediate gratification of the desire …

Perverse Motivation

God’s error was forbidding the apple.
If He would have forbidden the serpent,
then Adam would have eaten the serpent.
–George Bernard Shaw

Online Course – Suggestions Please

[twg_gpo_button] My academic training in cognitive and neural sciences along with the more expensive education earned over 3 decades of helping my clients escape the self-sabotaging traps they have created …