It Looks Different Than It Feels
If you want the present to be different than the past. . . study the past – Spinosa I’ve been using the metaphor of the "puppy and puppy-trainer" for the …
It's just pixels on the screen until you create an image
It's just stimulus elements until you create your reality
If you want the present to be different than the past. . . study the past – Spinosa I’ve been using the metaphor of the "puppy and puppy-trainer" for the …
We don’t receive wisdom. We must discover it for ourselves after a journey than no one can take for us nor spare us. — Marcel Proust Some general principles to …
Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom. — Aristotle Bad things happen, and some suffering is unavoidable. But you can create additional suffering for yourself and others by …
Men are not punished for their sins, but by them. — Elbert Hubbard Performance becomes easier with practice. In fact, with enough practice, performance can become autonomous—that is, it requires …
God’s error was forbidding the apple. If He would have forbidden the serpent, then Adam would have eaten the serpent. –George Bernard Shaw People often end up doing exactly what …
No temptation can ever be measured by the value of its object. — Sidonie Colette The Problem of Immediate Gratification (the PIG) is our name for the principle that immediate …
The secret to being miserable is to have the leisure to bother about whether you are happy or not. — George Bernard Shaw We are all self-focused. Thoughts related to …
"It is often possible to discern a structure to people’s difficulties, in which internal states and external events continually create the conditions for the recurrence of each other." — Paul …
You are not the passenger. You are the ride. At some point in the evolution of biological creatures, conscious awareness emerged. Abstract processing, which opens the door to self-consciousness, comes …
We don’t receive wisdom; we must discover it for ourselves after a journey that no one can take for us, nor spare us — Marcel Proust Even though they know …