The secret to being miserable is to have the leisure
to bother about whether you are happy or not.— George Bernard Shaw
We are all self-focused. Thoughts related to the self — how I feel, why I feel that way, what other people think of me — are compelling. When this tendency is combined with the recursive structure of consciousness, Ruminative Self-Focus [RSF] emerges. RSF is the pathogen responsible for clinical depression, generalized anxiety, and chronic anger. Paradoxically, as compelling as it is, self-awareness is aversive.
RSF is self-sabotage disguised as problem-solving
Bad things [for example, physical pain, the feeling of failure] inspires a search for a solution. We tend to focus on such things so we can get some control over the problem. Sadly, well-intended problem-solving can do more harm than good when your attention strays from disciplined problem-solving to self-focused rumination [aka RSF], consider: "The fact that I am alone on Saturday night means X about me," or "What if I look nervous during my speech and they think Y about me."
RSF looks like problem-solving, but it is an imposter. Instead of leading to a solution, the rumination cycles through the same sequence of thoughts and reactions to those thoughts again and again, without coming to a conclusion or promoting problem resolution. RSF is demoralizing and uses up the dear cognitive resources that are needed to initiate effective action. RSF causes otherwise competent people to repeatedly under-perform.
The unintended consequences of trying to fix yourself
In most cases problem-solving is a rational process characterized by dispassionate analysis of cause and effect. For example, when a piece of equipment malfunctions, you look for the defective component so you can fix or replace it. However, when you fail at something, it is hard to resist the temptation to switch from effective problem-solving to destructive RSF.
- Julius Kuhl’s research on conditioned helplessness shows that when people believe they have failed, their focus shifts from figuring out how to be successful (problem-solving) to perseverative thoughts about themselves, "why I failed, what it means about me that I failed, etc." This turns out to be a self-sabotaging strategy because the rumination consumes cognitive resources that are then unavailable for problem solving. Kuhl found that conditioned helplessness appears to be maintained by the reciprocal relationship between failure and ruminative self-focus: Failure leads to ruminative self-focus and ruminative self-focus impairs performance, which increases the likelihood of failure.
- Recent research on depression and the quality of social performance shows that negative mood leads to self-focused rumination, and self-focused rumination leads to negative mood. Moreover, the RSF, and the depressed emotional state it evokes, is found to impair subjects’ social problem-solving abilities and to decrease their self-efficacy regarding their social skills, both of which impair social performance. Poor social performance, in turn, may result in loneliness and other negative consequences, which, in turn, produce additional paths to depression.
- Research on clinical depression shows that both pain and failure automatically elicit Ruminative Self-Focus [RSF]. The shift from the first-person experience of failure to the observer’s perspective of ruminating on the abstract meaning and causes of the perceived failure produces the recursive sequence of internal states and external events that maintains and often exacerbates the clinical disorder.
Some individuals are burdened with a harsh internal critic. While it is important to learn from pain and failure, destructive criticism can weaken the creature instead of improving performance. You would not beat a puppy mercilessly for a paper-training accident, because it would obviously do more harm than good. Likewise, overly insulting or abusive criticism is pathogenic. It would be better to use the voice of a patient teacher, who wants you to succeed, and has unconditional positive regard for you.
Happiness as Escape from RSF
When I ask clients what they want out of life, or what they hope would happen if they could become free of their Mood Disorder, they often tell me they "want to be happy." There has been a lot of research on happiness and paths to get there. Perhaps the most sophisticated view of this topic suggests that happiness is freedom from RSF.
The Karma of RSF
The Law of Practice is a fundamental principle of psychology: The more you do something the easier it gets —until, eventually, it becomes the path of least resistance. You don’t pay for your sins in the next life, you pay for them during this one. The consequence of sloppy thinking is that you are strengthening the wrong mental habits. For example, the more you give in to RSF, the more it becomes your default perspective.