

Bill received his doctoral degree in Psychology from the University of Iowa. His mentor, Donald Levis, was a pioneer of exposure treatments for anxiety disorders.

Licenses & Certificates

Licensed Psychologist

Certificate of Proficiency in the Treatment of Alcohol and Other Psychoactive Substance Use Disorders awarded by the American Psychological Association

Brief History

After returning to New York City from Iowa, Bill became director of the Adult Clinic and Diagnostic Center in New York City. The distinguished faculty of this clinical group included Oliver Sachs, neurologist and Max Bruck, psychiatrist. Bill then became Chief of Service of the Intensive Care Unit of Adolph Meyer Psychiatric Center.

Bill moved to Austin to become Director of Clinical Services of the Brown Schools, Ranch Treatment Center. This 120-bed psychiatric hospital specialized in providing state-of-the-art treatment to individuals with severe behavior problems.

Bill met and married Tina, also a licensed psychologist, in Austin. They have been in private practice together ever since. They have two children: David is studying to be a psychologist at the University of Houston, and Emily works for the World Bank in Washington, D.C.

Therapeutic Orientation:

  • Cognitive-Behavior Therapy [CBT] – We do not see reality as it is; our perceptions are biased by state-dependent filters [the wisdom of a first lapse is appraised differently before it happens than afterwards]. We are taken in by an illusion of certainty that we see reality as it is, and that we will always believe what we believe now. CBT offers some practical methods to cope with pathogenic emotional reactions that result from this Soul Illusion.
  • Hypnotherapy – Subjective phenomena can be influenced by others, as is the case with hypnosis, and by the self. You can learn to influence subjective phenomena such as your motivational state, and, by so doing, you can enhance the power of your will. The wide variety of hypnosis, meditation, and self-hypnosis tools available in our treatment manuals and throughout this site will give you opportunities to practice manipulating state-dependent phenomena.
  • Existential Psychotherapy – This is your life, so you have the responsibility to live it in accord with your interests and principles.  I have dedicated a long career to learning about the generic principles of cause-and-effect that pertain to cognition and behavior.  You have a set of unique goals, values, and vulnerabilities.  Our task is to collaborate on figuring out how to get you what you want for this one life you have to live.  Please click here for more on Bill’s collaborative  approach in the treatment of Addictive Disorders.

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